Saturday, 20 September 2014

How to get organised for school

Here are a few tips to help you get organised for school:
1-  Teens need about 9 1/4 hours of sleep each night to function best (for some, 8 1/2 hours is enough) because not having a decent nights sleep can limit your ability to learn, listen and concentrate so you wont be able to do your best in school. You may even forget important things such as names, your homework or a date with that special person ;) Also, lack of sleep can contribute to acne and other skin problems ( info. from )

2- Stress and panic are two of the things you don't want bright and early in the morning, So ensure that you pack your school bag the night before so that you don't end up going on a hunt around your bedroom for your PE socks or your maths book!

3- I'm sure you have heard it a thousand times before: 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day' and its true! If you skip breakfast then you aren't getting the food your body needs to refuel for the day and therefore it may lead to you feeling tired or irritable.

4- In Addition, if you use colourful and pretty stationary (such as: notepads, pens and highlighters: then you will enjoy doing your work a lot more :) 

5- Try your best to do the homework the day it is set so that it is done and dusted which will prevent masses of homework piling up on each other. If you leave it all to the last minute then you are going to stress and stay up late to try and finish it all which is not a good idea! If you can't do it on the day its set then don't worry, just set aside a time to get it done the next day. Furthermore, do your homework in a quiet place (such as your bedroom) so that you can concentrate on the task without any distractions.

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